My professor said “ I see something in you” My UDC experience changed my life.

Shaun F. Garrison
Shaun F. Garrison
Director of Congressional Affairs for the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA)
Shaun F. Garrison is Director of Congressional Affairs for the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) where he lobbies Congress on several issues with a focus on energy, natural resources, and appropriations related policy matters of importance to the solar industry. Prior to joining SEIA, Shaun spent over 11 years in government affairs at Ameren Corporation, an investor-owned electric and natural gas utility headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri.
From 2002-2007, Shaun served as a staffer to retired Congresswoman Diane E. Watson (D-CA-33) whose district represented portions of Los Angeles and Culver City. He served in various roles on from Intern to Senior Legislative Assistant. Shaun was the Congresswoman’s primary contact on issues related to Labor, Commerce, Agriculture, Energy, Banking, Trade, Education and Youth Violence. Shaun also served a dual role as both on the Member’s personal staff and a Professional Staff member during Rep. Watson’s service as Ranking Member on the House Government Reform Committee, Subcommittee on Energy and Natural Resources. In this role, Shaun was responsible for drafting and editing committee memos, composing questions for witnesses and providing detailed research to support the views and opinions of the various committee members. Shaun worked on various hearing topics including those related to climate change, oil and gas exploration, and administrative functions within the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy. He also participated as a staffer during the conference committee on H.R. 5- the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
Shaun was born and raised on the south side of Chicago, Illinois and attended Whitney M. Young Magnet High School. He is a 2005 cum laude graduate of the University of the District of Columbia with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. He is currently President of the Washington, DC Chapter of the American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) and a member of the District of Columbia Public Service Commission’s Advisory Council on Utility Supplier and Workforce Diversity. Shaun hopes to one day utilize his experiences and education to teach students on the high school and collegiate levels about the intricacies of how the United States Congress really works on behalf of the American people.
Shaun currently resides with his wife Eyang in Alexandria, Virginia.