![Research Facilities – Office of Sponsored Programs](http://www.udc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/student_center_flags1.png)
![Research Facilities – Office of Sponsored Programs](http://www.udc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/student_center_1438_516.png)
![Research Facilities – Office of Sponsored Programs](http://www.udc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/student_center_flags2.png)
![Research Facilities – Office of Sponsored Programs](http://www.udc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/student_1_studentcenter.png)
![Research Facilities – Office of Sponsored Programs](http://www.udc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/udc-admissions-1.jpg)
Research Facilities
Scientific and Research Facilities and Infrastructure
Library Resources and Instructional Technology
Community Partnerships and Resources
Scientific and Research Facilities and Infrastructure
Computer and computational science resources: Internet2 access as a sponsored member, through George Washington University; scientific computing lab; data-mining and informatics lab; signal processing and digital image-processing; multidisciplinary informatics lab; advanced network and computer security research lab; network router and switching lab; Sun workstations; GIS; and Linux, Vista, and Windows PCs; Microsoft Visio, Cisco Access Server; Cisco VPN Server; Gigabit Internet Connection; Statistical Package for Social Sciences; Remote Dial-Up Connectivity; Remote Broadband Connectivity; Training facility with 20 computers; Wi-Fi access (Wi-Fi uses both single carrier direct-sequence spread spectrum radio technology (part of the larger family of spread spectrum systems) and multi-carrier OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) radio technology; a high-performance computer (8-core CPU and 4GB quad-channel memory and 4-channel RAID-0 Disk Array and 4-monitor quad-GPU); and an array of small programmable objects (Sun Microsystems SPOTs).
The Machine Shop in Building 32 is staffed with one machinist, and it includes a complement of shop equipment, such as a mill, lathe, drill press, and sheet metal equipment. The Materials Testing Research Center (MTRC), also staffed, houses a complete suite of construction-materials testing equipment. It is the research and testing facility for DC public works projects and include a Gyratory Compactor (used for the design of asphalt mixes based on superpave criteria and can be used for new mix designs) Consolidation Equipment (used to determine consolidation properties of clay soils.
UDC’s Center of Excellence for Renewable Energy (CERE) has a solar photovoltaic system and a wind-turbine combo.
As a Land-Grant University, UDC has an Agricultural Experiment Station (AES), called Muirkirk Farm—a 143-acre partially forested site, located in Beltsville, Maryland. The Station conducts research, investigations, and experiments to address issues unique to the “Capital City”/urban area and also focuses on national issues as outlined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in the areas of health, nutrition, food production, and natural resources.
An EPA-certified environmental testing laboratory with Gas Chromatography (GC) Mass Spectrometer, Atomic Absorption (AA) Graphite Furnace, and Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Mass Spectrometer is in the process of being established in Building 42. It is planned to be initially operational by fall 2010.
Other scientific instrumentation and equipment include scanning and biological electron microscopes; a Janis ST-100 closed cycle cryogenic system with temperature ranges of 77K (liquid nitrogen) to 300K and 4K (liquid helium) to 300K; a Universal Testing Machine with a 120,000 lb. capacity that is used to determine the compression and tension properties of materials.
Electrical Engineering instruments: SR530 Stanford Research Lock-in Amplifier, a NEOCERA temperature controller (4K to 300K); TEK Spectrum Analyzer that is ideal for noise measurement; a 300 Mhz Digital Oscilloscope that is (GPIB compatible); GPIB data acquisition system (GPIB compatible); 195A Keithley DMM (GPIB compatible); 224 Keithley Current Source (GPIB compatible); an ALCATEL Motor Pump; EG & G 197 Light Chopper; and a He-Ne Laser U-1335.
Additional Research Resources
Equipped Photographic Darkroom | Incubators |
Hitachi R-1500 NMR Spectrometer | Shakers |
Nicolet Magna Model 760 IR Spectrometer | Light Microscopes |
FTIR Spectrometer | Compound |
UV Vis Spectrophotometers | Dissecting |
Gas Chromatograph | Fluorescent |
Super Conductivity System | Scintillation System |
Applied Biosystems 392 DNA/RNA | UV Transilluminator |
Synthesizer | Refrigerators |
Labconco Centrivap Concentrator | Ultra Cold Freezers |
Gilson HPLC System | Waterbaths |
Ranger Mossbauer Model MS-900 | DNA/RNA/Protein Analyzer |
High Vacuum Systems | Digital Mini Vortex Mixer |
Spark Cutter | SDS Gel Apparatus |
Electro Chemical Spectrometer | Gene Pulsarx Cell |
Digital Mini Vortex Mixer | Dicot Screen Instant Camera |
Ultra-Microtomes | Cell Sorters |
Microwave ovens | Laminar Flow Hoods |
Digital Balances | Fume Hoods |
PCR Systems | Microplate Readers |
pH Meters | Water Distillation System |
Centrifuges | Stranded Gel Apparatus |
Mini-centrifuges | Electrophoresis Systems |
Medical Film Processor |
The Mortuary Science Suite consists of a Maxillofacial Laboratory (Rm. 215) that is used as a laboratory for Restorative Art and Embalming. The Mortuary Suite also consists of a large laboratory area used for the study of embalming. Also, there is a miniature display room used to display funeral service merchandise and caskets. Also, there is a nine-compartment refrigeration unit in the back hallway. Also, there is a service elevator in the back of the laboratory area so that cadavers can be brought into the lab area or taken out inconspicuously.
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Library Resources and Instructional Technology
The Learning Resources Center (LRC) on the Van Ness Campus houses a traditional library, state-of-the-art learning technology labs, and SMART classrooms. In addition, it is the gateway to the Washington Research Library Consortium, consisting of the digital, print, and media collections of several university library systems in the District of Columbia, including UDC, Georgetown University, American University, The Catholic University of America, Galluadet University, George Mason University, Georgetown University, Marymount University, The George Washington University, and Trinity College. Specifically, UDC’s LRC has a collection of over 560,000 monographs, 20,000 media materials, 607,000 microforms, and 670 current periodical subscriptions. In addition to its own collections, UDC students have direct access to a collection of over 5 million monographs, serials, and media materials through the Washington Research Library Consortium.
The Learning Resources Center has expertise, facilities, and equipment to support research, teaching, learning, and innovative, technology-based pedagogies. UDC faculty and students have access to the electronic materials from their own computers. The University uses Blackboard R as its e-learning portal.
UDC’s David A. Clarke School of Law (UDC-DCSL) has a law library and Moot Courtroom. The Law School’s Moot Courtroom houses current courtroom technology, including audio/visual recording capabilities, a digital evidence camera, electronic tablets, and projection capacity, as well as sound reinforcement and laptop connectivity. Also, the Moot Courtroom contains a custom-built court bench, rails, witness box, jury box and spectator seating. The Law Library maintains a core collection of over 250,000 materials in print and microform, including the United States Code, the codes of twenty-seven states and one territory, regional and federal reporters, state reporters for the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia, the Atlantic Digest, the U.S. Supreme Court Digest, the complete decennial digest, and the Federal Practice Digest, among others. The collection of secondary materials includes treatises, the major journals of all United States law schools in print, and an extensive microform collection, among others. The Law Library also subscribes to online research services such as Westlaw, Lexis and electronic BNA titles.
Excluding instructional science and engineering laboratories, the Van Ness campus has 16instructional laboratories:
- The Math Power Lab (25 workstations)
- The Calculus Lab (25 workstations)
- The Math and Statistics Center (56 workstations)
- Language labs with computers that allow students to practice auditory, oral, visual, gestural, and written language skills
- Three nursing and respiratory therapy labs
- Social Sciences use a Criminal Justice Teaching Lab and computer lab with 19 PCs and one line printer computer lab with 19 PCs and one line printer.
- Seven Mass Media and Visual Arts computer laboratories, including a Direct-to-Print facility on the B level of Building 42; Multimedia/Web Publishing computer laboratory with 18 Macintosh computer workstations; Desktop Publishing Computer Laboratory (18 Dell computer workstations); Design-to-Print Center computer laboratory; Journalism/Television Production computer laboratory (20 Macintosh computer workstations); Television Production computer laboratory (Video Edit Suites; 7 Macintosh computer workstations along with supporting software and equipment for video editing); Graphic Design computer laboratory (20 Macintosh computer workstations with scanners), and the Practicum/Student overflow computer laboratory (12 older Macintosh Computer Workstations) .
- The Writing Center computer lab
The Little Theater has seating capacity for 75-100 persons. The University Auditorium seats 900 persons.
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Centers and Institutes
The Center for Applied Research and Urban Policy (CARUP) — Research, Evaluation and Training – has expertise in surveying, social science research, and market research, involving UDC faculty, students, and core center staff in funded applied-research projects with applications or implications for urban policy. CARUP’s researchers and professionals collaborate with more than 60 organizations, including most local universities. They provide opportunities for presentation, discussion, collaboration and/or networking on research ideas and/or papers relating to early care and education, traffic management, and service capacity issues. CARUP uses the SPSS Software for advanced statistical analysis, data entry, and data management. These are single user licenses with various configurations of statistical capabilities.
The Institute of Gerontology provides education needed by workers providing services for the aged. The Institute offers a specially designed program with a Certificate in Gerontology for majors in health education, nursing, sociology, and social work. A general certificate in Gerontology is offered for all other majors.
The Water Resources and Research Institute (WRRI) conducts state-of-the-art research on the utility, viability and sustainability of water and water systems in the mid Atlantic region. Particular attention is given to water consumption and utilization for recreation and environmental concerns.
The Institute for Public Safety & Justice (IPSJ) is an integral component of the Administration of Justice Program at the University of the District of Columbia and has the responsibility for implementation of the Program’s contribution to the University’s urban land grant mission. It has a tripartite mission of research, training, and evaluation and seeks to address the University’s urban land grant mission by providing technical assistance to government agencies to enhance their service delivery to the local residents; and strengthen communities to improve public safety, and reduce social disorder. The Institute plays a key role in strengthening and supporting the research components of the academic program in Administration of Justice by offering research opportunities to students. Recipient of a DHS-FEMA cooperative agreement to strengthen the legal preparedness of state, local, and tribal governments to address catastrophic events, the Institute will also be working with the new UDC Homeland Security STEM program (UDC HS-STEM) in the development of an institutional research capacity in the DHS social and behavioral science priority research area’s thematic unit of community preparedness, response, and recovery. Institute publications are available at the Institute’s website: www.ipsj.org.
The Assurance Research Center for Trusted Information Computing (ARCTIC [ahrk-tik]) is a sponsored research and education center designed to develop and enhance faculty expertise and curricula at UDC so that UDC may seek the Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance designations from the National Security Agency (NSA). The Center was designed in 2008-2009 in collaboration with the Colorado Research Institute for Security and Privacy (CRISP) at the University of Denver (DU), a Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education (CAEIAE) designated by National Security Agency (NSA) in 2008. In 2009, NSF (National Science Foundation) approved ARCTIC’s development proposal through its competitive review process, resulting in the first capacity building grant awarded to ARCTIC. The District of Columbia metropolitan area is a national and international hub for information exchange and management. In the highly dynamic and interconnected global society, it is particularly important to build formidable IA capacity. ARCTIC at UDC – the only urban land-grant public university serving the D.C. metropolitan area – shall provide the University and the D.C. with a multidisciplinary and top-notch opportunity to build competitive research and education in informatics and computing. The ARCTIC capacity in Confidentiality, Integrity, and Accessibility in IA education and research shall produce highly qualified IA experts and sustainable workforce to meet the high demand for IA in the Capital of the Nation.
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Community Partnerships and Resources
Some examples of partnerships targeting the K-12 students include the following: The Southeast DC Campus Early College Programs, Friendship Edison School Partnership, Bell Vocational School Partnership, and Algebra Gateway Partnership with Dunbar High School. The Saturday Academy provides students from 4th-12th grade year-round opportunities to increase their interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and careers.
The Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Aerospace Academy (SEMMA) is a NASA-funded 6-week summer program for youth from groups underrepresented in STEM. UDC’s Science and Engineering Center is a regional NASA Educational Resource Center and provides NASA educational resources to area schools free of charge. The Summer Aviation Institute is a six-week collaborative program designed to introduce high-school students Aviation and Aeronautics. United Negro College Fund (UNCF) Minority Program: Stop HIV/AIDS is a Peer Education Program for the Prevention of HIV and AIDS.
Paving Access Trails for Higher Security (PATHS) is a two-pronged training and technical assistance program conducted in partnership with the D.C. Department of Human Services Income Maintenance Administration. The PATHS Program provides training for welfare recipients preparing to enter the labor force.
Through the Institute for Gerontology, UDC offers community service programs to over 4,000 elderly DC residents. These programs include: BODYWISE Fitness & Health Promotion Program, Respite Aide Program, Senior Companion Program, UDC Academy for Lifetime Learning, free tuition and fees for older adults to enroll in regular UDC courses, Community Residence Facility training and certification, caregivers initiative, and Literacy Programs for older adults.
The UDC Small Business Development Center (SBDC) helps small businesses build a solid infrastructure in the areas of finance, marketing, and management and technology through counseling and training. In addition, it serves as a catalyst for the creation of new businesses, facilitates access to capital, and facilitates procurement opportunities with federal and local governments. It is a conduit for business resources and state-of-the-art management techniques through affiliation with the U.S. Small Business Administration, area universities, the Association of SBDC and other strategic business resource partners.
The Workforce Development Program is a job and professional training program. Career courses are based on the job skills that DC employers need today.
The Cooperative Extension Service (CES) works with the residents of DC in numerous ways to address agricultural, food, economic, energy, and environmental issues and improve knowledge and skills in these areas.