Resolutions 2014
2014-40 Naming of Campus Buildings and Facilities Policy
2014-39 Approval of Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering Degree Program
2014-38 Remitted Tuition Funding for the UDC David A. Clarke School of Law
2014-36 Proposed Amendment to the University Rules Regarding Performance Managerment
2014-35 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking – 8B DCMR Chapter 19, Background Checks
2014-34 Appointment of Professor Robert L. Burgdorf as Professor Emeritus
2014-33 Appointment of Dr. Kathleen Dockett as Professor Emeritus
2014-32 Appointment of Dr. Connie Webster as Acting Associate Provost for Academic Programs
2014-31 Extension of the Appointment of Dr. Rachel Petty
2014-30 University Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Policy – Revision
2014-29 Sponsored Program Policies
2014-28 Appointment of Dr. Dianna Phillips as CEO of the UDC Community College
2014-27 Restructuring of Board Committees – 8B DCMR Chapter 1 – Notice of Final Rulemaking
2014-26 Restructuring of Board Committees – 8B DCMR Chapter 1 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
2014-24 Approval of Proposed Control Modification for the High Definition Upgrade of Cable TV 98
2014-23 Election Procedures Student Member of the Board of Trustees
2014-22 Reprogramming of Funds (Funding Swap)
2014-19 Intellectual Property Policy ATTACHMENTS
2014-18 Faculty Reduction in Force ATTACHMENTS
2014-17 Approval of Proposed Contract for SEAS Laboratory Project, Building 32 42
2014-16 Approval of D.C. Law Students in Court Lease at Building 52 of the University
2014-15 Conferral of Honorary Degree up Edwin J. Nichols, Ph.D., Nichols and Associates, Inc
2014-14 Approval of the Vision 2020 Strategic Plan
2014-13 Approval of Proposed University FY2015 Budget Request
2014-12 Reprogramming of Funds
2014-11 Updating Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Regulations – Notice of Final Rulemaking
2014-10 Termination of Academic Programs
2014-07 Appointment of Dr. April Massey as Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
2014-06 Termination of Academic Programs
2014-04 Approval of Master of Arts degree in Adult Education
Contact the Office of the Board of Trustees
Frenika Rivers