Online Mental Health Referral Training
The UDC Counseling & Wellness Center has adopted and wants to introduce you as faculty and staff to ‘Kognito’. Kognito is an online educational program designed to educate faculty, staff, and students about mental health. Each simulation exercise in Kognito allows the user to practice conversations that help students build resilience, strengthen relationships, and develop connections with campus resources. Through role-play, users build knowledge and skills around mental health and suicide prevention. Kognito is also designed to support the academic performance, student retention, and campus safety.
Faculty, staff, and students can create an account with Kognito and use the platform at any time. This program takes approximately 30 – 50 minutes to complete and may be repeated as desired. There is an access point to Kognito for you as a UDC faculty/staff member. Get Started in accessing and completing the training by following the below instructions.

Get Started:
– Visit
– As a new user, choose “Click here” in the upper right-hand corner of the sign-in box to create your account.
– Enter your information in the pop-up window. (We request using your UDC email. You may choose any password.)
– Upon entering your account information, as a faculty or staff member, enter Enrollment Key “udcfaculty”.
– Click “Next Step” and follow the on-screen instructions to access the simulations page.
– If you require any technical support, please contact our dedicated Support Team at