Observe Black History Month with the Red Cross, National Pan-Hellenic Council and UDC

Observe Black History Month with the Red Cross, National Pan-Hellenic Council and UDC

Observe Black History Month with the Red Cross, National Pan-Hellenic Council and UDC


UDC and DC NPHC Blood Drive


To help keep blood on the shelves this February and throughout the winter, the DC community is encouraged to make an appointment to donate blood on Saturday, February 25, from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. with the National Pan-Hellenic Council and UDC. The drive will take place at Windows Lounge, Van Ness Campus, 4200 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC. People can make appointments at RedCrossBlood.org with the sponsor code: DC NPHC. For more information, please click here.