Research Grants Awarded 2017-2018
American Society of Metals (ASM)
PI: Kate Klein, ASM Teachers Camp Contract through BEST, $12k in 2017 and 2018.
Department of Defense
Nian Zhang (PI), Lara Thompson and Devdas Shetty (Senior Personnel) “An Intelligent Optimization, Clustering and Classification Framework for Large Scale Photo-Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectroscopy (PT-IRIS) Big Data,” Department of Defense (DoD), $551,889.
Department of Energy-NNSA
PI: Pawan Tyagi, co-PI: Kate Klein and Jiajun Xu, Additive Manufacturing Post Processing Partnership, Funder: Kansas City Nuclear Security Plant on Behalf of Depart of Energy-NNSA, December 2018 – September 2019, $108,000.
Kansas City Nuclear Security Complex
PI: Pawan Tyagi, $56,000 from Kansas City Nuclear Security Complex in the area of Post Processing of Additive manufacturing from 2018-2019.
Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure
PI: Lei Wang, Travel Grant for 2018 UC Davis Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Geotechnical Centrifuge Workshop, University of California Davis, Award Date: April 5, 2018; Award Amount: $1,000.
National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
PI: Lei Wang; Co-PI: Jiajun Xu, Tolessa Deksissa, Development of A New and Optimal Geothermal System for Urban Agriculture Sustainability and Food Security in the District of Columbia, USDA/National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), Award Date: Dec 20, 2018; Award Amount: $90,000.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
NSF grant of $989,475 for the project “Scholarships and Mentoring to Increase the Academic Success of Students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics,” by Freddie M. Dixon, Aboise O. Adebayo. February 1, 2019 and ends January 31, 2024.
Lily R. Liang, NSF award: PKAL Capital Region Network Workshop at UDC, $49,947.05, August 1st, 2015 ~ July 31, 2019.
PI: Lei Wang; Co-PI: Pradeep K. Behera, Jiajun Xu, Sasan Haghani; National Science Foundation Targeted Infusion Project: Integrating Risk and Resilience into Undergraduate Engineering Education Towards a Hazard-Resilient Built Environment. Award Number: 1818649; Organization: National Science Foundation; Award date: July 15, 2018-2021; Award amount: $399,931.00.
PI: Briana L. Wellman. Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, National Science Foundation. Award Date: September 1, 2017- August 31, 2018. Award Amount: $58,750 (yearly).
PI: Anika Burtin, Co-PIs: Briana L. Wellman and Tolessa Dekissa. Robert Noyce Scholarship Program grant for “Project Firebirds Reinventing STEM Teaching (Project FRST)”, National Science Foundation. Award Date, Sept 1, 2015-August 31, 2021. Award Total, $2,146,100.
Nian Zhang (PI), “An Intelligent Optimization, Clustering and Classification Framework for High Dimensional, Overlapped Classes, and Imbalanced Data,” National Science Foundation. $199,999. 7/15/15 – 6/30/19.
Nian Zhang (PI), “Deep Supervised and Unsupervised Learning to Explore Feature Selection and Classification in Large Scale Photo-Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectroscopy (PT-IRIS) Big Data,” National Science Foundation. Supplemental Funding Request. $39,998. 8/24/16 – 6/30/19.
Thompson LA (PI), Zhang N ($99,997). EAGER: Nurturing Women’s Innovativeness and Strength in Engineering through experiential learning in biomedical engineering (WISE). Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE), National Science Foundation (March 2017 – 2020).
Thompson LA (PI), Haghani S, Zhang N ($399,991). Targeted Infusion Project: Integration, Cultivation, and Exposure to Biomedical Engineering at the University of the District of Columbia. Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP), National Science Foundation (July 15, 2015- June 30, 2019).
Jiajun Xu (PI) ($299,934). Research Initiation Award: Experimental and Multiscale Simulation Study of Nanoscale Thermal Transport and Evaporation/Boiling Heat Transfer using Self-assembled Nanoemulsions, National Science Foundation (4/30/2016 – 2019).
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Sasan Haghani (PI), Jiajun Xu (Co-PI), “Implementation of the University of the District of Columbia Human Exploration Rover” Source of Support: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Amount: $79,926 Duration: 11/2017-08/2019.
PI: Sasan Haghani, Co-PI: Jiajun Xu “Implementation of the 2019 NASA Mars Human Exploration Rover: An Experiential Learning Project for STEM Students at UDC”, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), $59,981, November 2018 – August 2019.
National Institute of Aerospace (NIA)
PI: Sasan Haghani, Co-PI: Jiajun Xu “Firebird Ice Rectifier and Extractor (FIRE)”, The National Institute of Aerospace (NIA), Special Edition: Moon to Mars Ice & Prospecting Challenge) $10,000, January 2019 – July 2019.
National Institute of Standard Technology (NIST)
PI: Kate Klein (PI), Co-PI: Sasan Haghani, Amir Shahirinia, Pawan Tyagi, Lara Thompson, Pradeep Behera, Wagdy Mahmoud, Esther Ososanya, Jiajun Xu, Lei Wang, Devdas Shetty, “Professional Research Experience Program at the University of the District of Columbia (PREP-UDC)”, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), $6,761,811, June 2018 – June 2023.
PI: Kate Klein, NIST Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Grant, 2017: $11.5k in 2017, $16.7k in 2018.
United States Department of Army
Acquisition of a Laser Rapid Manufacturing System, BEAM: Broadening Education through Advanced Manufacturing at UDC”, Department of the Army, US Army Research, Development and Engineering Command, Amount: $500,000. Jiajun Xu (PI), Pawan Tyagi, L. Thompson, Kate Klein and Devdas Shetty.
PI: Paul Cotae –Army Research Office (ARO)-–Award No. W911NF-15-1-0481: “Performance Data-Driven Methods and Tools for Computer Network Defense through Network Science”, Period: August 21, 2015- August 21, 2019 $594,755.
PI: Paul Cotae –Army Research Office (ARO)-–Award No. W911NF-15-1-0481: “Performance Data-Driven Methods and Tools for Computer Network Defense through Network Science”, Period: August 21, 2015- August 21, 2019 $594,755.
United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Pradeep Behera (PI), United States Geological Survey (USGS)/DCWRRI, Project ID: 2018DC145B ($15,980) Title: Runoff Control Performance Evaluation and Development of Design Guideline for Green Roof Systems for District of Columbia, (01/03/2018-02/29/2019).
USGS DC Water Research Institute (WRRI)
PI: Lei Wang; Co-PI: Bryan Higgs and Pradeep K. Behera, Development of Urban Sustainability Model for Metropolitan DC based on Population, Food, Water, Energy and Infrastructure, USGS DC Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI) Grant, Award Date: June 15, 2018; Award Amount: $9,974.
Universities Council on Geotechnical Education Research
PI: Lei Wang, Fellowship for the 2nd USUCGER Workshop for Early Career Junior Faculty Workshop, United States Universities Council on Geotechnical Education and Research (USUCGER), Award Date: April 9, 2018, Award Amount: $850.
UDC Faculty Incentive Research Grant Program
PI: Lei Wang, Robust Design for Resilient Geotechnical Infrastructures, UDC Faculty Incentive Research Grant Program, Award Date: May 17, 2018; Award Amount: $5,000.