Purchase Card Transactions / Purchase Order Transactions
To ensure the District taxpayers know where, when and how their money is being spent, the University Office of Contracting and Procurement division will post all purchase orders and purchase card transactions on its website. As the University spend taxpayer dollars, their transactions will be made public. This new initiative is one of many tolls that will assist in preventing waste, fraud and abuse. Purchase Card transaction information is updated monthly. For information about specific transactions, contact Contracting and Procurement at 202.274.5181 or by email at procurement@udc.edu.
This dataset has been created by the University of the District of Columbia Office of Contracting and Procurement division. The mission of the University is to provide timely and accurate information for decision-making; support executive and agency management in the implementation of business processes which will guarantee access to useful and well-organized information for the University, DC government workers, non-governmental organizations and the public.
Purchase Card Transactions (Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3, Quarter 4)
Purchase Order Transactions (Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3, Quarter 4)
Access Constraints
You may contact the University Contracting and Procurement at procurement@udc.edu. Any data obtained outside of the University are unauthorized copies.
Use Constraints
By using data made available here the user agrees to all the conditions stated in the following paragraphs as well as the terms and conditions described under the University portal.
The University of the District of Columbia, nor the District Government makes any claims as to the completeness, accuracy or content of any data contained in this application; makes any representation of any kind, including, but not limited to, warranty of the accuracy or fitness for a particular use; nor are any such warranties to be implied or inferred with respect to the information or data furnished herein. The data is subject to change as modifications and updates are complete. It is understood that the information contained in the dataset is being used at one’s own risk.
Application using data supplied here must perform the following:
- Notify the University via email at procurement@udc.edu.
- Include the following disclaimers on their sites: “The data made available here has been modified for use from its original source, which is the University of the District of Columbia. Neither the University of the nor the District of Columbia government makes any claims as to the completeness, accuracy or content of any data contained in this application; makes any representation of any kind, including, but not limited to, warranty of the accuracy or fitness for a particular use; nor are any such warranties to be implied or inferred with respect to the information or data furnished herein. The data is subject to change as modifications and updates are complete. It is understood that the information contained in the dataset is being used at one’s own risk.”
Point of Contact
University of the District of Columbia
Contracting and Procurement
4200 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Building 39 Suite 200-C
Washington, DC 20008
Fax: 202.274.5432
Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 am – 5 pm
- Distribution liability: Neither the District of Columbia government nor the Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) makes any claims as to the completeness, accuracy or content of any data contained in this application; makes any representation of any kind, including, but not limited to, warranty of the accuracy or fitness for a particular use; nor are any such warranties to be implied or inferred with respect to the information or data furnished herein. The data is subject to change as modifications and updates are complete. It is understood that the information contained in the dataset is being used at one’s own risk.
- Distributed by the University of the District of Columbia, Contracting and Procurement Division at the following location:
4200 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Building 39 Suite 200-C
Washington, DC 20008
Fax: 202.274.5432
Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 am – 5 pm
Purchase Cards Transactions/Contracting and Procurement (CP)
- Transaction Date/CP – Date on which the cardholder placed the transaction with the vendor.
- Transaction Amount/CP – Total Transaction Amount.
- Vendor Name/CP – Name of vendor/merchant with which the cardholder completed their purchase.
- Vendor State/CP – State of vendor/merchant.
- MCC Description/CP – The Merchant Category Code Description designates the nature of the cardholder purchase (i.e. office furniture, stationery, office supplies).