Self-Study Process Timeline

Fall 2022
- Accreditation presentation during Faculty Professional Development Day (Aug) by a peer institutional representative who recently completed the reaffirmation process (Dr. Michael Bowden, Coppin State)
- Initial members of the Steering Committee and Tri-Chairs identified from UDC’s Accreditation Task Force
- Self-Study Institute October-November (attended by ten members of the Steering Committee)
- Initial Working Group membership identified from the University Assessment Committee
- Began drafting Self-StudyDesign
- Drafted priorities to be addressed and (additional) outcomes of the Self-Study
- Nov. 15: Self-Study update presentation to the Board of Trustees
- Dec. 13: Tri-Chairs virtual meeting with VP Liaison; date of Self-Study Preparation Visit confirmed
Spring 2023
- Jan. 3: Faculty Professional Development Day presentation on the Self-Study process to date
- Jan/Feb: Qualtrics Surveys seeking Working Group volunteers and input on priorities and outcomes
- Provisional Working Group members identified from survey input
- Jan. 17: Self-Study update presentation to Admin Council, Board Members, and other staff/administrators (President watches recording)
- March 15: Provisional Self-Study Design submitted to MSCHE VP Liaison
- March 17: Formal kickoff of Self-Study (during Administrative Council meeting)
- March 22: Self-Study Preparation Visit by VP Liaison Dr. Robert Bonfiglio
- April 21: Revised Self-Study Design submitted to MSCHE VP Liaison
- April 30: Self-Study Design formally approved and accepted by MSCHE (letter from VP Liaison)
- March 21: Accreditation 101 video was developed, click here
- Self-Study webpage drafted within UDC website
Summer 2023
- Steering Committee Leaders continue regular meetings with Working Group co-chairs
- Seven faculty members from Working Groups receive contracts/stipends to work on Self-Study
- Tri-Chairs met with and updated President Edington within 30 days of appointment (Aug. 8)
- Aug. 16: Self-Study presentation to faculty during Faculty Professional Development Days, which included presentations from two faculty members of the Steering Committee: Dr. Christopher Anglim and Dr. Arlene King-Berry
- Aug. 22: Tri-Chairs provide an update on Self-Study to Dr. McMurray
- Finalized internal evidence repository (SharePoint site)
Fall 2023
- Working Groups continue to research in support of Standards, Requirements of Affiliation, and compliance with federal/local laws and regulations
- Working Groups draft outlines of each chapter and provide a list of evidence (NLT 8 Dec)
- The Steering Committee provides initial feedback to the draft outlines and list of evidence from the Working Groups (NLT Dec. 15)
- Uploading of documents in the evidence repository (internal)
- Tri-Chairs provide progress updates to the President, CAO, BOT, senior leaders, campus community
- Updates posted regularly to the Self-Study website (and other outlets)
Spring 2024
- Jan. 3: Update presentation on Self-Study by Tri-Chairs and the Co-Chairs of each Standard/Requirements of Affiliation during Faculty Professional Development
- Working Groups produce the initial full draft of chapters, including a list of accomplishments and opportunities for improvement/innovation (NLT end of Spring Term)
- Tri-Chairs and other designated team members review/edit chapters and circulate for feedback
- Tri-Chairs and Steering Committee Co-Chairs edit the list of accomplishments and opportunities for improvement/innovation and align with strategic priorities and additional outcomes of Self-Study
- Tri-Chairs meet with the President and CAO to review drafts and receive feedback
- Updates posted regularly to the Self-Study website (and other outlets)
Summer 2024
- Tri-Chairs and the editorial team continue editing and merging the full draft Self-Study document
- Tri-Chairs, in consultation with senior leaders, prioritize opportunities for improvement and/or innovation, align them with strategic priorities, and determine a list of options to be included in a full report
- Updates posted regularly to the Self-Study website (and other outlets)
Fall 2024
- Near-final draft Self-Study delivered to the Chair of the MSCHE Peer Evaluation Team: Oct. 11
- Team Chair Preliminary Visit to UDC: Oct. 25
- Town Hall updates to the full campus community: Oct. 16 (virtual), Nov. 13 (in person), and Dec. 10 (virtual)
- November-December: Steering Committee incorporates Team Chair’s feedback into the draft Self-Study and shares with University leadership and community members
Spring 2025
- Jan 6: During Faculty Professional Development Day, Tri-Chairs and select faculty update all university faculty on the Self-Study timeline, upcoming mock-site visit, and lessons learned so far in the process.
- Town Hall update to campus community: Jan. 22
- Post Self-Study on the website: Jan. 31
- Mock-visit by consultant: Feb. 25-26
- Host Peer Evaluation Team Site Visit: March 23-26
Community Webinars
A series of webinars updating the community on the self-study process.
Webinar 1, March 27, 2024
Webinar 2, April 30, 2024
Webinar 3, October 16, 2024
Webinar 4, October 23, 2024
Webinar 5, November 20, 2024