
New Student Center

Installation of Green Roof and Renovation of Greenhouse atop Bldg 44
The green roof installation and renovation of the greenhouse atop Building 44 creates a living laboratory in support of the College of Agriculture, Urban Sustainability, and Environmental Sciences, and adds approximately 20,000 square feet of green space to the Van Ness Campus.

UDC Theater of the Arts Upgrade

UDC TV Studio Upgrade
The new production system not only allows UDC TV to offer its product digitally in HD to its cable providers (Comcast, RCN, and Verizon), but also to stream multiple channels in HD either on the UDC website, or a partner website via a streaming service.

CAUSES – Center for Nutrition, Dietetics, & Health – Building 44, Level 1
The new Center includes a demonstration kitchen, 9 workstations, and a full service commercial kitchen.

The new playground is an extension of the Plaza Deck renovation project and has similar sustainable design elements including storm water collection.

Renovation of Department of Architecture and Community Planning – Building 32
The renovated space includes four, 15 student studios, one 12 student graduate studio, a model shop, instructional space, IT Computer Tech lab, Jury room, and a gallery for display of student architectural design models

Renovation of Plaza Deck & Parking Garage
The renovation of the Plaza Deck has created a new “greener” area with enhanced lighting and a new water fountain feature.  The new structure also features an eco-friendly storm water management system to help reduce the runoff entering the city’s overburdened storm sewers.  The parking garage renovation included new lighting, painting, and much needed structural repairs

Relocation of School of Buisiness and Public Administration to Building 38
The School of Business and Public Administration has been relocated to Building 38.   The renovation includes sustainable features such as LED lighting & lighting control system, daylight harvesting sensors, Energy Saver Appliances, and an upgraded HVAC system.

Relocation of David A. Clarke School of Law to Building 52
The David A. Clark School of Law has been relocated to Building 52, and the renovations include a state of the art Moot Courtroom.

Renovation of Natatorium (Aquatics Center), Building 47
The Natatorium located in the Gymnasium Building #47, has been totally renovated to address structural issues and bring the center up to NCAA Division I standards.

Renovation of Academic Labs – Buidling 44
Phase I Mortuary Science Suite
The renovated Mortuary Science Suite is approximately 3000 sq. ft., and includes new finishes, lab equipment/casework, smartboards, and a new HVAC System.  The new suite will also serve as an overflow facility for the District Medical Examiner’s Office in the event of a large scale emergency.

Mechanical & Electrical System Upgrades
Recent upgrades include the installation of a new energy efficient 1000 ton chiller in the Central Plant, Building 43, Energy Management System equipment for campus wide controls integration, and new mechanical room equipment in Buildings 38 & 44.

Renovation of Student Services Center – Building 39, Level A
The Student Services Center has been completely renovated to house the Office of Admissions, Registrar, Student Accounts, and Financial Aid.

Relocation the Law School Library to Building 52
The Law School Library will move from buildings 38/39 to the Law School building (building #52). This photo is an Architect’s rendering of what the new space might look like once it is completed. The project is currently entering the construction phase.

Building #8 and 39 Space Renovations
Spaces in building #38 and #39 were renovated over the summer and fall of 2016 to improve the services to students in the Student Development and Success Center

Renovate the Environmental Testing Laboratory in Building 42
Building 32 and 42 Window Replacements
Energy Metering Installation
Plaza Irrigation System Upgrades
The plaza irrigation system is being enhanced to enable the storm water runoff from the plaza to be collected in cisterns and re-distributed for use in watering plants and vegetation on the plaza and at the green houses and green roofs.
Aquaponics Facilities at Van Ness, Backus, and P.R. Harris

Aquaponics facilities allow for the economic production of fish and vegetables in an urban setting.  These facilities also serve as teaching and learning laboratories for UDC students and the local communities.

The Bertie Backus School site is being developed to enhance its programs and service to the local community in its Northeast Washington location.  Among the improvements are the installation of aquaponics and green house facilities and a renovated auditorium, as well as improved classroom and administrative spaces.

Athletics Facilities Upgrade
The Athletic Facilities upgrades include installing two artificial turf soccer fields and upgrades to the gymnasium that include replacing the bleachers, upgrading the lighting, replacing the divider curtain, and repairing the basketball court floor.