Thurgood Marshall College Fund Partnership
About TMCF Leadership Institute
The Thurgood Marshall College Fund’s award-winning Leadership Institute (LI) is a national program in-tended to develop students’ leadership skills, create a community of scholars, provide companies access to a talented and diverse student population, and help students make connections that lead to careers.
This power-packed four-day conference prepares carefully selected students from the 47 publicly-supported Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to compete in today’s very competitive global work-force. The conference culminates with a recruitment fair where Fortune 500 companies, government agen-cies and graduate program representatives offer jobs, internships and continuing education opportunities.
Benefits of LI include: Direct Access to Employers, Access to a Network of Like-Minded Individuals, Industry Insight, On-site Interviewing, Recruitment Fair, and More… Are you ready to be a leader at UDC and take your career to the next level? See your career counselor to learn more about TMCF LI…The upcoming 2017 Leadership Institute will take place October 20-24, 2017 in Washington, DC.
UDC Student Participants
Learn more about the TMCF Leadership Institute and other TMCF opportunities directly from UDC students.
Heather McNeil
Gary Mills
Clayton Gordon
Aisha Moten
Andrea SheardB.S. Biology |
Camille Warner
Apply Now
Click here to complete your application.
TMCF Videos
TMCF: LI Overview
TMCF: Student Perspective Video