Greetings UDC-WDLL Firebirds, and welcome to the Fall 23 semester!

Greetings UDC-WDLL Firebirds, and welcome to the Fall 23 semester!
As Dean of the Workforce Development Division (WDLL), I would like to extend a warm welcome to all new, continuing, and returning UDC-WDLL Students. UDC-WDLL continues to make significant improvements to support your career goals and success, below are a few that you can expect during this new semester:
- Development and implementation of more robust and holistic student support services, which now includes career services unit that is here to assist you in developing your career development and planning activities.
- New Courses coming in Spring 24: Career Preparation 101, Student Success 101, and Introductory/fundamental courses for all career pathways
- Implementation of an agreement between WDLL and UDC’s Community College that will provide credit for prior learning.
- Currently available to All UDC-WDLL Students: Articulation Agreement with UDC’s Community College (UDC-CC) IT degree programs. Up to four credits for select WDLL IT courses.
- Establishment of dynamic partnerships with several notable organizations throughout the region.
- If you or someone you know is interested in working and/or advancing in the healthcare field, check out our “Public Health Informatics and Technology for DC” (PHIT4DC) program at: phit4dc.com
- Do you need food assistance, please check out our partnership with the Capital Area Food Bank (CAFB). For more information please speak with your academic advisor.
- Enhanced communications to keep you “in the know” about how UDC-WDLL can support you and to provide effective resources to bolster your future goals and career success.
I encourage all UDC students to take full advantage of WDLL’s industry-recognized, job training certification courses. Most importantly, be aware that WDLL’s course offerings are at no cost to DC residents (note, some fees apply). So, if you are a DC resident, check out the WDLL website regularly (see below) to stay current on all the services, resources, and opportunities WDLL has to offer—and please share this info with family and friends. Also, join us on social media: @UDCCCWDLL on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Stay up-to-date with UDC-WDLL by joining us on: https://www.udc.edu/workforce-development/ If you have questions, send an email to our admissions team at: workforce@udc.edu and/or to the WDLL Deans at: wdlldean@udc.edu.
Dr. Mashonda Smith