UDC Law’s Clinical Program ranked number five in Clinical Training in U.S. News & World Report Graduate School Rankings

UDC Law’s Clinical Program ranked number five in Clinical Training in U.S. News & World Report Graduate School Rankings

UDC Law’s Clinical Program ranked number five in Clinical Training in U.S. News & World Report Graduate School Rankings

UDC Law’s Clinical Program has been ranked number five in Clinical Training in the 2023 U.S. News & World Report Graduate School Rankings, released today. The program is up one spot from last year, having risen steadily from the thirteenth spot each year since 2019.

All UDC Law students are required to participate in legal clinics where they work on ongoing cases with clients under the supervision of an attorney-professor. Students attending the day program must participate in a minimum of two clinics while evening students engage in an intensive clinic designed to accommodate their schedules.

One vital purpose of the UDC Law Clinical Program is to provide legal services to citizens of the District of Columbia who could not otherwise afford representation. UDC Law’s Clinical Program offers experience in a variety of areas, including community development law, youth justice, general practice, housing and consumer law, immigration and human rights, legislation and civil rights, whistleblower protection (through the Government Accountability Project), criminal law and tax law.

Read more at law.udc.edu