Performance Indicators

In an effort to promote more sustainable practices and track our progress, the University of the District of Columbia registered as a Charter Participant of the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS). STARS is a transparent, comprehensive self-reporting framework developed for colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance and make key indicators publicly visible.

UDC’s STARS rating represents the combined efforts of students, faculty, and staff in numerous divisions, colleges, and departments across the institution. The UDC Sustainability Initiative wants to thank all of the individuals that contributed to the reporting effort.

To view our STARS submission, please click here.

STARS has provided a comprehensive framework for evaluation, reporting, and planning. It will help guide future decision making to enable UDC to be a more effective and relevant university in an environment when higher education institutions must justify their existence and adapt quickly in order to meet student demand, and ultimately, the needs of society. To meet those needs, UDC intends to provide our students with an academic environment in which they can adopt a personal commitment to sustainability that they keep for a lifetime. – Dr. Allen L. Sessoms, President

Accessibility Resource Center

Bldg. 39, Room 106B
phone 202.274.6417 | fax 202.274.5375 | phone 202.274.5579 (tty)

Office Hours
Mon – Friday
9:00am to 5:00pm