Page 8 - UDC LEGACY Winter 2015
P. 8



the Way to



he New President of the University 
Student Government Association 

(USGA), Joniece A. Barnes has 

three goals for her presidency – 
restoring school pride and faith,

improving communication between students, Undergraduate Student Government Association oficers (left to right): Anjanette Shelby, Treasurer; Joniece 

administration and staf, and facilitating activ- Barnes, President; Tsholofelo A. Motshwane, Vice-President; and Mulenga Chileshe, Secretary.
ities that will include all students.

“My administration began working to 

achieve these goals immediately. We have the USGA's Student Events 
had reasonable success thus far in our eforts, and Special Events (SASE) 

though not quite as much as we hope to achieve committee believes that 

going forward,” said Barnes. One of those steps building community is key 
began with student engagement with a “Chat to student engagement. To 

and Chew,” a chicken and biscuit social event date, the organization has 

at the beginning of the fall semester. It allowed helped organize the back to 
returning, and new students to meet the USGA school week in September, 

executive board members and for the board to which consisted of a game 

identify future student leaders. “I am looking day and pool party. SASE is
for the next group of leaders. We (USGA) do to increase student pride.”
also working on having consistent events every 

not want to graduate without having the next USGA Treasurer Anjanette “Anjie” Shelby,
week. In addition, it is focusing on more com- 

group of leaders in place to continue to make shares Barnes mandate for change. “I want to munity outreach initiatives involving students, 
UDC better,” she said.
be a change, you can't say you want things to such as volunteering at soup kitchens, clothes 

Barnes, a senior health education major change without being there to see it change.”
drives, and participating in itness events.

whose responsibilities includes, overseeing the Shelby, a 51-year-old mother and business For Kia Ray, Senior Class vice president 
executive oicers and liaison between students management major, had been out of school for serving her peers is paramount. “A great leader 

and administration, said, “If students do not several years and is considered a non-traditional also needs to be a great follower. I listen to 

want to participate in the process for change, student. Her changes would start with asking other students needs and how their needs can 
tell me and I will be that voice for you.”
for more classes to be available to those with be best met and I take it back to whomever 

Another accomplishment by Barnes and busy lives. Shelby said she understands the can rectify it.” Ray continued, “They (student 

her administration occurred during the 20th challenges students face with a lack of available body) have conidence in me to carry out the 
Anniversary of the Million Man March on Oct. classes. She believes this can be resolved by mission of our senior class and to look out 

10th. Barnes said, “I'm proud to say that The hiring more professors. With the right changes for their best interests. What people need to 

University of the District of Columbia was well Shelby said that, “UDC can be the University understand –staf and faculty – if students 
represented during this event by our students. where Dreams Come True.”
weren't here, there wouldn't be a need for 

These events, and others like them are designed
Meanwhile, Jahwon E. Corbett, chair of
any of them either."

FALL 2015

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