Manager’s Toolkit

Talent Acquisition & Onboarding

The University of the District of Columbia recognizes that employees are its most valuable asset. The University’s ability to achieve its vision and mission rests, in part, on the recruitment and retention of qualified, skilled faculty and staff. With this in mind, the Talent Management Classification/Compensation Unit is available to assist with key staffing decisions. All decisions are made to ensure fairness and equity, recognizing that the University must remain competitive in the market, and in consideration of fiscal responsibility.


Learn about the recruiting and hiring process for all types of positions. Check out the many valuable resources including sample documents to help you effectively navigate the process:

Orienting New Employees

New staff and faculty at UDC should feel welcome, able to perform their roles effectively, and be excited about UDC as a GREAT place to work!

The Office of Talent Management is committed to a smooth transition. We are here to help you navigate the onboarding process and ensure your new employee gets off to a strong start.

After your new employee has accepted their offer of employment, there are some supervisory tasks that you need to do:

  • Contact your new employee to congratulate and welcome them to your team! Coordinate a plan for their first day. (Reminder: New employees are scheduled for New Employee Orientation (NEO), held on the 1st and the 16th of each month.)
  • We know that your employee will be ready for work, but is work ready for the employee? Make sure you’ve set up their workstation, planned introductions, and establish a training plan for their first weeks on the job.
  • As your employee is getting acclimated to your department and UDC, review the New Employee Onboarding Guide (PDF).

Helpful Websites – Preparing for New Employees

Information about UDC:

Preparing for New Employees: