Manager’s Toolkit
Classification & Compensation
Payroll and Leave Management
Payroll Resources
Payroll runs through The Office of Pay and Retirement Services, a government agency that is separate from DCPS. See below for the most up-to-date payroll resources for supervisors
- UDC Pay Services Unit: 202.274.5255
- DC Office of Pay and Retirement Services: 202.727.2476
- PeopleSoft Payroll: Pay Processing Schedule 2022
The University of the District of Columbia(UDC) processes Payroll for staff and faculty via the Office of Pay Services in Human Resources (OHR). The UDC Payroll Processing Schedule corresponds with DC Government Payroll Schedule for the 2022 Calendar Year. The processing dates align with the district’s processing schedule to ensure a timely process to pay staff and faculty in Pay Groups: G1N, G6N, G6E and G9E.
If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding Payroll or your pay deductions, you may contact the Office of Pay Services at 202. 274.5380.
Timekeeping and Leave
It is important for supervisors to understand the policies and procedures related to employee work schedules, timekeeping and leave approval. In turn, supervisors can establish and communicate these requirements to staff to ensure clarity and compliance.
At UDC, all employees, except adjunct faculty, must report their own time within PeopleSoft. Become familiar with your time reporting category. The categories are as follows:
Positive Time Reporting
Hourly employees are positive time reporters. In order to receive the proper pay, positive time reporters record the number of hours worked each day on their time sheet. At UDC the two pay groups that are positive time reporters are G1N and G6N.
Exception Time Reporting
Faculty and Staff employees who are paid a salary are exception time reporters. Exception time reporters are paid a set amount each pay day because the payroll system automatically applies their same schedule of hours worked each pay period. When a salaried employee is absent from work, the absence is an exception to the regular schedule and must be reported on a timesheet and submitted to her/his supervisor for approval. Exception time reporters only submit a timesheet when there is an exception to report. The two pay groups that are exception time reporters are G6E and G9E.
The following link, https://pshcm.dc.gov, provides full access to Manager Self-Service and/or Employee Self-Service. This link is only available on a UDC network or through a VPN connection.
The link http://ess.dc.gov provides full access to Employee Self-Service while on a UDC network or through a VPN connection, but only limited access outside of a UDC network.
Navigating PeopleSoft: https://dchr.dc.gov/page/navigating-peoplesoft.
These tutorials demonstrate positive time reporting and approving only. Exception time is entered using the same process; however, exception time reporters will only enter hours on a timesheet when there is an exception to report (e.g. absences such as leave, holidays or administrative closings). If there is no exception to report, there is no need to access the timesheet.
Job Aids
Job aids for time entry and approvals can be found at the following links:
- Time Entry: Groups 6E and 9E (exception time reporters)
- Time Entry: Groups 6N and 1N (positive time reporters)
- Time Approval (managers only)
Time and Approvals Deadlines
Deadlines for time entry and approvals can be found at the following links:
- Groups 6N, 6E & 9E
- Group 1N
If you have questions about eTime, please contact the UDC Pay Services Unit at (202) 274-5255.
Eligible employees accrue annual leave and sick leave each pay period. Upon termination, an employee will receive cash value for 100 percent of the remaining accrued vacation days.
Annual Leave
Regular full-time employees accrue annual leave each pay period on the following schedule:
*Centered and boxed*
Years of Employment Annual Leave Accrued 0-2 Years 13 days (4 hours per pay period) 3-15 Years 20 days (6 hours per pay period) 15+ Years 26 days (8 hours per pay period) Sick Leave
All regular full-time employees accrue 13 days of sick leave annually (four hours per pay period) regardless of years of employment.
Part-Time and Executive Service Employees
- Part-time employees who work at least 40 hours per pay period earn annual leave and sick leave at a proportional rate.
- Executive Service employees receive 26 days of universal leave per calendar year, to be used for any purpose (prorated depending on start date).
Family and Medical Leave
- Family and Medical Leave Act: The DC Family and Medical Leave Act (DCFMLA) was made effective on October 3, 1990, and is applicable to employees whose actual work location is in the District of Columbia as of April 1, 1991. To be eligible, employees must have worked for the District for one year with no break in service and have worked at least 1,000 hours (DCFMLA) or 1,250 hours (FMLA) during the 12-month period immediately preceding the request for leave. FMLA Application
- DCFMLA Statutory Medical Leave: The DCFMLA allows for up to 16 weeks of unpaid leave in any 24-month period for employees who are physically unable to work because of a serious medical condition (including maternity). Medical documentation is required and an expected date of return must be provided.
- DCFMLA Statutory Family Leave of Absence: The DCFMLA allows up to 16 weeks of unpaid leave in any 24-month period for specified reasons, as prescribed by the DCFMLA. The employee must provide documentation explaining the nature of the leave.
- Paid Family Leave: Employees may receive up to eight weeks of paid leave for the birth or adoption of a child or to care for a family member with a serious health condition.
District of Columbia Government employees receive 11 paid holidays:
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday
- Washington’s Birthday
- District of Columbia Emancipation Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Columbus Day
- Veterans Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day