Sylvia I. B. Hill

Professor of Administration of Justice

Department of Urban Affairs, Social Science and Social Work;; Tel: 202.274.5687

Research Interests: My current research interest focuses on the use of research and community organizing techniques to mobilize communities to work on public safety. In particular, I’m interested in developing a geo-spatial neighborhood intervention model to reduce homicide, vehicular theft, and other indices of decaying neighborhoods. While much of my research has been international solidarity work, this urban domestic focus is consistent with my commitment to human rights practices by designing and evaluating intervention programs in Africa and the Diaspora.
In collaboration with Dr. Angelyn Spaulding Flowers in 1999 we were awarded funding from the City Council to create an Institute for Public Safety and Justice to provide training, research, and public service to combat crime.
My most recent publications is: Anti-Apartheid Solidarity in US African Relations: From The Margins to the Mainstreams (Co-authored with William Minter) in: The Long Road to Freedom: International Solidarity, Vol. 1, South Africa Development Education Trust, 2008.

Selected Honors and Awards:
Vice Chairperson, TransAfrica Forum Board of Directors, Washington, DC, 2004-2009
Board of Directors, New World Foundation, New York, NY, 1988-1994 and 1996-2003.

Career in Brief:
Ph.D., Education, University of Oregon @Eugene, Oregon. 1971.Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Instruction Department, University of Oregon (1969 – 1971)
Adjunct Professor, Department of Education, Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota ( 1972 – 1973).
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota(1972 – 1974).
Visiting Professor, Urban Education Institute. Michigan State University (1975 – 1976)
Director, District of Columbia Crime Statistical Analysis Center, University of the District of Columbia, (1994 – 1997).
Chairperson, Department of Urban Affairs, University of the District of Columbia (January 1996 – July 1999)
Professor, Administration of Justice Program, Department of Urban Affairs and Social Sciences and Social Work University of the District of Columbia (September 1974 – Present).
Co-Director, Institute for Public Safety and Justice, University of the District of Columbia, (August 1999 – Present).

Land Grant Research area