Seon Ho Kim, Ph.D.
Visiting Associate Professor
Computer Science and Information Technology; Tel: 202.274.7455
Research Interests: My research focus is on georeferenced video search. Due to technological advances, more and more video clips are being collected from various devices and stored for many purposes such as surveillance, traffic monitoring, or entertainment, to name a few. These collected video clips contain a tremendous amount of visual and contextual information that makes them unlike any other media type. However, even now, there are no effective ways to index and search video data at the high semantic level preferred by humans. By the fact that some video data are naturally tied to geographical locations, combining video data with its location information can provide an effective way to index and search videos, especially when a database handles an extensive amount of video data. The ultimate goal of the project is to provide an online video search engine like Google is doing on text documents. I and Dr. Roger Zimmermann at the National University of Singapore are currently collaborating on the project. This project includes issues like: modeling of video coverage area, collection of georeferenced video with a specialized camera, indexing of such video, new query types, and performance scalability, etc. Its modeling work was published in the 2008 ACM Multimedia conference, which is the top conference in the multimedia field.
Selected Honors and Awards: Senior IEEE member
Career in Brief:
Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Southern California, 1999.
Assistant Professor, University of Denver, 1999-2008.