Dr. Paul Cotae
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
pcotae@udc.edu; Tel: 202.274.6290
Research Interests: My research is in the area of wireless mobile communication systems including B3G, CDMA/TDMA and 4G communication technologies, performance analysis, systems design, physical layer capability, the design of advanced communication algorithms, and recommendations for standards in B3G digital wireless communication systems.
I published 22 journal papers, 88 conference papers and 4 books. My citation index is 2.9, and my overall h index is 4. I advised 3 PhD students and 46 MS students. I have participated as PI or Co-PI in eight-funded research projects. Research was funded by National Scientific Foundation, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, USAF and DOD.
Selected Honors and Awards:
- Associate Editor for IEEE Communication Letters (2002-present).
- Associate editor for ELSEVIER International Journal of Computers & Electrical Engineering (2007-present)
- Guest Editor for EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing: Special Issue on Distributed Signal Processing Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks (2007)
- IEEE Washington DC Chapter: Vice chair IEEE Communication Society (2009-present).
- Election to Board of Directors, IEEE Central Texas Section, Joint Communications and Signal Processing Chapter, (August 2007 – August 2008).
- IEEE Senior Member, November 2004.
- Fulbright Scholar, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs 1994-1995.
- Honorary Member of Eta Kappa Nu (HKN), University of Colorado at Boulder Section, 1998.
- Professional listings in: – Who’s Who in American Education (2006 – present) – Who’s who in America (2005 – present) – Who’s who in the World (2005 – present).
Career in Brief:
- Aug. 2008 – Present: Associate Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of the District of Columbia.
- Jan. 2002 – Aug.2008: Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Texas at San Antonio. - Sept. 1998 – Nov. 2004: Full Professor, Department Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University “Gh. Asachi” of Iassy, Romania.
- Sept. 1992 – June 1998: Associate Professor in Communications Department, Electronic and
Telecom. Faculty of Technical University of Iassy, Romania. - Sept. 1991 – June 1992: Lecturer in Communications Department, Faculty of Technical University of Iassy Romania.
- May 1997 – Sept. 1997: Consultant Engineer, Global Positioning Systems, Navsys Corp., Colorado Springs, Colorado
- Aug. 1995 – May 1997: Visiting Associate Professor, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Department of ECE (on leave from “Gh. Asachi”
University of Iassy). - Aug. 1994 – May 1995: Fulbright Scholar, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.