Don Steinert
Associate Professor
Department of Nursing and Allied Health; 202.274.5864
Research Interests: Three general areas: Childhood and adolescent obesity, cancer biology with emphasis on tumor immunology, and exercise physiology .
Selected Honors and Awards: Awarded a $20,000.00 grant to study “Incidence of adolescent and childhood obesity and associated health disorders in Washington D.C.” Funded by RIMI (Research infrastructure in Minority Institutions) grant.
Career in Brief: Highest degree: Master of Arts in Medical Technology Education, 1987, 1987, Central Michigan University.
Positions Held: Clinical Teaching Instructor, Loma Linda University, 1973-76; Assistant Professor, Columbia Union College, 1976-1987. Associate Professor. Columbia Union College, 1987-95. Associate Professor, University of the District of Columbia, 2000-current.