Dr. Mohamed A. Elhelu


Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
melhelu@udc.edu; Tel: 202.274.5932

Research Interests: My research interests are in Environmental Health and Environmental Education ranging from topics such as lead in drinking water, lead in house dust to the effect of parasitic organisms such as giardia, Trichinella, and Trypanosoma on human health. I have recently submitted a manuscript for publication in Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health. The manuscript is entitled Lead in Drinking Water in the District of Columbia. I am also interested in environmental education and will soon submit a proposal on this topic to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In addition to my undergraduate teaching load, I also teach a graduate course in Environmental Health (1415-450). In March, I will be submitting a proposal for a UDC Science and Mathematics Charter High School. I am a mentor in the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences STEM Program.

Selected Honors and Awards: Guest Scientist at the United States Naval Medical Research Institute (NAMRI) in Bethesda, Maryland.
Visiting Professor, Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, King Saud University. Saudi Arabia.

Career in Brief: Ph.D. Zoology (Parasitology) Howard University (1976)
Job1, University of the District of Columbia Professor (1983)

1995 Elhelu, M., Caldwell, D. and Hirpassa, W. Lead in Inner-City Soil and its Possible Contribution to Children’s Blood Lead. Archives of Environmental Health 50 (2):165-169.
1984 M. Elhelu, C. Brooks, and Y. Lee, Manual for Basic Laboratory Exercises, Paladin House Publishers, Geneva, Illinois.
1984 M. Elhelu, and C.H. Lee, Trypanosoma lewisi : Oxygen Uptake in vivo in Albino and Black Rats. Journal of the National Medical Association 76 (12):1159-1162.
1983 A. Kasim, and M. Elhelu, Giardiasis in Saudi Arabia, Acta Tropica 40: 155-158.
1983 M. Elhelu, A. Kasim, and Y. Alshawa, Trichinella spiralis: Growthof Larvae in Rats Fed Folic Acid Deficient Diet. Journal of theNational Medical Association, 75 (5): 501-502.
1983 M. Elhelu, The Role of Macrophages in Immunology. Journal of the National Medical Association, 75 (3): 314-317.
1983 Preer, J.R.., Elhelu, M.A. Sekhon, H.S. and Murchinson, G.G. Effect of Liming on Plant Uptake of Native Soil Metals. Abstracts of the 186th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Aug.28-Sept. 3, Washington,D.C.
1982 M. Elhelu and A. Kasim, Amoebiasis in Saudi Arabia, IRCS Medical Sciences: Parasitology and Infectious Diseases, 10:304.

Land Grant Research area